TCE aims at giving the survival of the local biodiversity and its habitat a long-term perspective. To achieve this goal, we develop education and conservation activities for the local population (especially school interventions for young people), in order to increase their knowledge and awareness towards the crested macaques and the local biodiversity.
Tangkoko Conservation Education (or TCE), is the conservation education programme of MNP. Created in 2011, it takes place around the Tangkoko nature reserves and other protected forests of North Sulawesi (Mount Klabat and Mount Tumpa).
Environmental Education in
North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Learn from Nature, act for Nature

Tangkoko Conservation Education is a conservation education programme based near the Tangkoko Nature Reserve in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. We develop and implement school-based interventions and awareness campaigns aimed at encouraging the local community to safeguard their local wildlife, with a particular emphasis on the protection of crested macaques (Macaca nigra).
Sulawesi island is part of the Wallacea region, one of the 25 biodiversity hotspots of the world for conservation priorities. Due to his geographical situation, Sulawesi is of particular interest with respect to species' endemism, especially regarding primates. The island hosts seven macaque species, which are found nowhere else in the world. Crested macaques (Macaca nigra) are one of these species.